My website's getting a little makeover! Feel free to explore in the meantime. 😊
My website's getting a little makeover! Feel free to explore in the meantime. 😊
by chen.
UI/UX Design
Peking University Collaborative Project on Entrepreneurship and Innovation
a time visualizer and task organizer based on Parkinson's law that aims to reduce stress, encourage rest, and boost productivity.
COVID-19 Global Hackathon 2.0 Honourable Mention
For What is to Come
Conceptual last will app based on a blockchain system
Redesign of the PRESTO fare kiosks for the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC)
Universal Change Rooms
Advancing Personal and Civic Wellness through Universal Design
Design Research Internship @ MJMA
Jakarta Ecological Study
An ecological study of living matter from past, present, to future.
Research | Graphic Design
Palmate contemplates the static nature of architecture and transforms it into an organism of its own.
Conceptual Design
Reminder of Life
Redefining what it means to find comfort and a sense of "homeliness" in the urban landscape.
Design Research
Kafr’ Aqab Cultural Hub
Coming Soon…
Design Research
UofT Study Courtyard
Coming Soon…
Architectural Studio
The Enigma of Home
Exploring the essence that distinguishes a house as a mere object from the profound concept of a home.
Concept Design
Corner Commons
Coming Soon…
Design Build
Visual + Concept Design
Last Call in the Blue Hour
Neither day nor night but a reflective pause between endings and beginnings.
Pending Font
Our daily practices, however mundane, inscribe upon us a series of marks—personal glyphs that may grow estranged over time.
The sweetness of youth remains undiluted and the decay of what is life remains undecided.
Untitled 2020
Cyanotype Sun Prints
Heart Like Still Water
心如止水 | xīn rú zhǐ shuǐ | Heart Like Still Water (Chinese Idiom).
Into the Blue
A feeling of being foreign to home
Moving Image
Paths from Point A
Ebbs that Echo
Larry Wayne Richards Gallery University of Toronto
EYEBALL Exhibition 2021